Set Job History Storage: The only preference (property) in AccuRIP is the ability to store as many jobs in the history as you can handle. Reprocess jobs: simply right click on any job in the 'history' window and 'reprocess' (print) the job again. Simply download any new version from the web and the trail version will automatically update their serialized software. Online Updates: All updates within the same 'version' number are FREE. Universal Serial Numbers: that means that AccuRIP can be changed from a Mac to a Windows computer with no additional purchase or tech help. Simply choose 'transfer activation' from the Activation Menu. Transfer Activation: A user can choose to move their install to another computer anytime.
You can even share across Windows and Mac Computers!
Networking: AccuRIP is a driver which means it can be easily 'shared' across a network with no need to install any software on another computer. Ability to choose single or multiple black ink cartridges - even stuffing the device with 'All Black Ink'. N-UP printing nesting: AccuRIP automatically identifies when a document page is smaller than media chosen (roll or sheet) and divides the data into the most efficient nesting cluster possible. Halftone, Stochastic and solid capability: AccuRIP has both AM and FM screens and prints your solids!.
A single setup window with 3 easy to answer questions: 1. A small and easy to navigate User Interface used mainly for setting up AccuRIP.AccuRIP's entire film output process including critical ink lay down control (not possible. Easily print proper UV light blocking films with AccuRIP Black Pearl™. AccuRIP Black Pearl supports dozens of Epson.
The Wizard auto setup quickly connects AccuRIP Black Pearl and your Epson Inkjet Printer. AccuRIP Black Pearl Software™ drives the entire film output process including critical ink lay down control unachievable without an industry RIP.