The macOS installer.app uses the boardID value to figure out if the Mac Model is supported when the user starts the install. can-i-upgrade-or-downgrade-macos-every-mac-from-2006-2020/ What is the BoardID used for? The list includes the lowest and highest macOS version that you can install on your Mac.

I wrote an article including every Intel Mac since 2006. Can I upgrade or downgrade macOS on my Mac? I started with the version Intel based version and will update when new BoardID’s are introduced. Most BoardID’s are scattered all over the web but are not all in one updated page. Apple started to document attributes like ModelID on the page below but stopped after 2017. This page will be updated with the latest list of Mac BoardIDs, Model IDs and Machine Models.

Every Single Mac Board ID from 2006-2021 + M1 Apple Silicon DeviceIDs List of Mac BoardIDs, Model Identifiers & Machine Models.