It did not work for me but that may be due to the hardware I was using. I have seen reports that it does not work on Macs at all. It has a function that captures from some Video hardware. When it didn't work the company's response basically was a badly translated version of "install under 10.6 (Snow Leopard)" I informed them that I had tried that and their response basically was "install under 10.6".Įdit: You might try the video player VLC. I had one that claimed to work as far back as Snow Leopard. Those apps have issues pre-dating the switch to Catalina.

Even one or two that claim to work do not if you are using a Mac. The problem is that in many cases the software makes no mention of Mac support. That's where the Roxio software came in handy.īTW there are a number of USB devices out there that handle video capture and many of them are cheap. Roxio Easy VHS to DVD, Mac, EN Zachrate své nahrávky na VHS kazetách Nenechte své vzpomínky zestárnout na VHS kazetách a povyte je na digitální úrove. The problem s getting the video footage into the computer to begin with.

Burn will do the DVD burning aspect of this as long as you don't want fancy menus similar to those on a commercial DVD.