Once you dive down to a lower rock, the portals will start going down the side of the volcano East towards the Akkala Region. For this first target, just rotate the apparatus so the target is clearly facing you with no fences to block your shot. To the right of the Monk, you'll find another device - and an apparatus you can use with motion controls to orient a target on rails with fences on both sides. Once gate to the Monk has been lowered, but one more remains. Try a test fire, and you'll find that the ball hits the wall around the second highest pair of blue lights - you'll want the target to be around at that height while the cannon is moving over that area to hit the target. Now, return to the cannon and carefully aim the moving target. Aim the cannon at the chest to break the platform its on and send it crashing down below - and use Magnesis to pull the chest over that holds a Diamond. Note that along with the new slowly moving target - there's a chest high up on the right side, and below it, a fenced in receptacle. As it passes over the target, explode your bomb to send the ball hurtling into the target - knocking it down and revealing a new target further back.

Insert a Round Remote Bomb and hit the switch to pan the cannon.